Framing painting
Orchid-my first oil painting (as a reference I used Lena Karpinsky‘s painting) /// Orchid-mój pierwszy obraz olejny (jako przykładu użyłam obrazu Leny Karpinsky) I decided to frame one of my ...
Orchid-my first oil painting (as a reference I used Lena Karpinsky‘s painting) /// Orchid-mój pierwszy obraz olejny (jako przykładu użyłam obrazu Leny Karpinsky) I decided to frame one of my ...
I just finished a small project that has started last Tuesday and I want to share the ‘end result’ with you. As you know, I am participating in the competition for the Blog of the Year (pl. Blog Roku) in ...
Since a long time I was searching for the proper business card for me. Since I am doing a lot of different ‘visual’ things, I had difficulties with proper design. Browsing the website Inspiration Hut I ...
That’s a great coincidence that my dad starts an exhibition on the same day as me. Below, you can see a video made by Samuel van Dijk – The Process of Creating Paintings – such a beautiful story! ...
Emigration is often associated with difficulty of access to the place where we grew up. My one-way trip takes 14-15 hours. With this distance, it is very difficult to plan anything, take something with you. Last ...
I would like to share with you great news. First time in my life I could show my works to the bigger audience during an exhibition called WTF Finlayson?!. I showed there 5 of my latest paintings (abstractions) and 8 ...
Eclipse is such a beautiful astronomical event that I had to create my vision of it. It appears when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another body or by having ...
F-BOOK – La querra – b l u s h I am participating in the European Virtual Academy already second time. I really like online studies because of my limited time (work&study). If you want to ...
Over the last few days I had the chance to practice various techniques of painting. Here are some of the effects, which I got. The images are painted on plywood with size 19 x 34 cm. My dad and I made a quick ...
My first ‘big’ painting was finished and hung on the wall. I had a lot of fun and I got a lot of practical information while painting with my father. We decided to put the two: his and my signature what ...