
You are currently browsing posts of the "Painting" category.

Framing painting

  Orchid-my first oil painting (as a reference I used Lena Karpinsky‘s painting) /// Orchid-mój pierwszy obraz olejny (jako przykładu użyłam obrazu Leny Karpinsky)   I decided to frame one of my ...

Exhibition I

I would like to share with you great news. First time in my life I could show my works to the bigger audience during an exhibition called WTF Finlayson?!. I showed there 5 of my latest paintings (abstractions) and 8 ...

e c l i p s e painting

Eclipse is such a beautiful astronomical event that I had to create my vision of it. It appears when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured, either by passing into the shadow of another body or by having ...

Route 66 painting

My first ‘big’ painting was finished and hung on the wall. I had a lot of fun and I got a lot of practical information while painting with my father. We decided to put the two: his and my signature what ...